Te Rautaki Reorua | Bilingual Strategy

Moving towards becoming a bilingual organisation is one of the key ways in which Te Kura can give effect to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. As the school with the largest number of ākonga Māori, we ensure those ākonga Māori feel comfortable, valued and are able to achieve their potential.

Te Kura has committed to Te Rautaki Reorua, which is our contribution to the revitalisation and sustainability of te reo Māori, in alignment to the Education sectors Tau Mai Te Reo Strategy as a response to the Maihi Karauna.

The strategy is guided by four mātāpono (key principles);

It is consistent with Te Kura’s values, teaching and learning philosophies, and all anticipated outcomes for staff, students and whānau.

The four mātāpono provide the framework to organise the key outcomes for the strategy.

Key objectives:

Ko Ngā Mātāpono o Te Rautaki Reorua (Principals of the Bilingual Strategy)

Uaratanga (Value)

Te Reo Māori is embraced, valued and supported across Te Kura

For a language to flourish it must be valued. Respecting and supporting te reo Māori as an official language of Aotearoa New Zealand is a good place to start. Uaratanga places an emphasis on the value of te reo Māori and supporting quality learning in and about te reo Māori.

Uaratanga recognises Te Kura’s aspirations in becoming a bilingual organisation and commits to developing opportunities for Te Kura to demonstrate how it values te reo Māori.

Key objectives:

Aria o Te Reo (Visibility)

Te Reo Māori is seen and heard across Te Kura

Ariā o te Reo focusses on providing greater visibility of te reo Māori across Te Kura with staff seeing, hearing and using te reo Maōri regularly.

Visibility of te reo Māori includes visual displaying of Maōri and English languages across Te Kura, establishing waiata groups, creating spaces for speaking te reo Māori, participating in events and competitions, offering formal and informal learning opportunities and promoting the written use of te reo Māori.

Key objectives:

Āhuatanga Mahi (Participation)

Te Kura staff participate in, and are supported in, activities that use te reo Māori

Āhuatanga Mahi focuses on increasing staff participation and authentic engagement in learning and using te reo Māori across Te Kura.

A focus on increasing capability in understanding and speaking te reo Māori requires a range of opportunities for staff to broaden their understanding of te reo Māori me ona tikanga.

The aim of Āhuatanga Mahi is to provide initiatives and learning opportunities that engage Te Kura staff to be able to use te reo Māori, to feel supported, and to support others.

Key objectives:

Nekenekehanga (Progress)

Te Kura staff plan their te reo Maōri goals, and can track and monitor their progress

Nekenekehanga focuses on monitoring and tracking progress with learning and using te reo Māori across Te Kura.

The implementation of nekenekehanga provides crucial information on the level and depth of te reo Māori that currently exists at Te Kura. It will also give an indication of Te Kura’s potential for growth, and a platform for measuring progress towards a bilingual future.

Key objectives:

Te Aka Taumatua

Te Aka Taumatua now leads our bilingual and immersion te reo Māori provision to fulltime, Young Adults and dual registered ākonga through te reo Māori.

It is part of the Learning Delivery wāhanga, which was established in March 2020, and is an addition to our other regions (Northern, Te Kāhui Hauāuru, Te Kāhui Rāwhiti, Central South, Southern, Overseas & Early Childhood.)

Since 2015, we have been expanding our practice, from teaching te reo Māori to Kaupapa Māori learning programmes - a learning area rich in Te Ao Māori skills, knowledge and topics. We have also moved increasingly to celebrate and participate in key cultural events, such as Te Konohete, Te Matatini, Matariki, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, Ngā Manu Kōrero, Ngā Tohu Reo Awards, and Waka Ama.

We now have more kaimahi Māori in a variety of roles throughout Te Kura kaimanaaki Māori and kaiako Māori, more speakers of the language, a full translation service and an ever-increasing and much greater focus on our Bilingual Strategy.