Principal's Nominee
Our Dual Provider Partnership Agreement outlines the enrolling school’s responsibilities for entering external assessments on behalf of dual ākonga (students), and for reporting internal results to NZQA.
Please read our Principal’s Nominee Handbook and refer to our list of achievement and unit standards to see the full range of standards available for each course.
Important information
- 2024 standards list (update due March 2025)
- NCEA assessment information sheet for secondary dual ākonga (update due March 2025)
Internal assessment
- If you are required to enter indicative internally assessed entries, please note many ākonga may not be assessed for all standards within a course, or they may be offered additional standards.
- Results are available through the Te Kura Enrolment System (TES) results screen. Principal’s Nominees are provided with their own TES login. Contact Student and Whānau Support on 0800 65 99 88 option 1, or email for your school’s login details.
- These results must be reported to NZQA with the correct version number and using our Te Kura provider code 498.
External assessment
- You will need to enter the appropriate externally assessed standards into your management system.
- Your school’s Te Kura coordinator should help ākonga identify which external standards they wish to enter and encourage them to discuss the selection with their Te Kura subject kaiako (teacher).
- All entries for external assessments must be submitted to NZQA with our Te Kura provider code 498.
NCEA assessment queries
For further information about NCEA assessment, please contact our Qualifications team on 0800 65 99 88 option 3 or email