Laptop and internet assistance

If you’re on a low income or benefit and don’t have access to the internet or a computer to learn on, you can apply for extra help with these costs.

Te Kura doesn’t get extra funding to be able to provide computers and internet access to all of our students. However, we try to help as many students who need extra help as we can.

Who can get it

Current full-time or young adult students, living in New Zealand, enrolled in our online Early Childhood, Primary, or Te Ara Hou programmes, or enrolled in three or more online 000, or NCEA courses may be eligible.

Immediate approval may be available for students, or individuals financially responsible for the student, who receive a benefit from Work and Income or have a Community Services Card.

What you can get

Students receiving extra help for a laptop and internet access will get:

Students enrolled through geographical isolation or itinerancy may be able to get an additional $30 per month.

How to apply

If you think you fit the requirements for laptop and internet assistance, you can apply online or download the application form.

If you are unable to apply online or have questions, don't hesitate to contact us 0800 65 99 88 (select option 1) to apply over the phone or ask for an application to be posted to you. Or you can email us at

Bank Account Requirements

For any payments for internet assistance to be paid to a bank account we require evidence of the account, our acceptable evidence is listed below and should be attached to all applications.

Acceptable Evidence of Bank Accounts

Any of the following:

Next steps

You will be told if your application has been approved or declined via email or letter.

If you’re approved for a suitable device, it may take three to ten working days to organise delivery with you.

Laptops and tablets are sent by courier and a signature is required for delivery. The courier will not leave the device at your address if there is nobody home to sign for it.

If you’re approved for internet access, Te Kura will pay you directly into your bank account.

If you don’t already have an internet connection to your home you will need to arrange a connection with your preferred provider. If you’re not sure what internet services are available in your area, check out glimp.

To apply for an internet top-up, email or post a letter telling us how you meet the geographical isolation criteria. Your application will be reviewed and we’ll let you know the outcome.

In special circumstances, Te Kura may approve applications for ākonga (students) who do not meet the eligibility criteria.

To make an application, please talk to your kaimanaaki or other trusted kaimahi (staff).

Special circumstances may include:

  • financial hardship
  • a change in whānau or personal circumstances
  • a natural disaster or other emergency
  • a benefit or Community Services Card application has been submitted but has not yet been approved.

The final decision will be made by the Deputy Chief Executive Learning Delivery, with input from your Regional Manager.

Please refer to the full Terms and Conditions declaration on the device and connectivity application form.

I understand that: 

  • all the information provided is correct to the best of our knowledge and understand that internet assistance may be stopped immediately if any of the information provided is found to be incorrect.
  • for the purposes of assessing this application Te Kura may seek confirmation from other government agencies of details we have supplied.
  • the ākonga named does not have access to a device and/ or internet connection and we have no other means of providing a device and/or internet connectivity.
  • the applicant is primarily responsible for paying for the internet connection for the named ākonga and will receive any subsidy.
  • we accept responsibility for ensuring that the ākonga accesses only appropriate content on the internet and is aware of Te Kura’s digital citizenship policy.
  • the ākonga named must be completing schoolwork at least once every two weeks via the online learning platform, My Te Kura, or we will be required to return the laptop and the connectivity subsidy will cease.
  • if a device is issued that it will be well looked after to prevent damage, loss, or theft. Te Kura will not replace mistreated devices.
  • Device issues will be reported to Te Kura in the first instance. Contact or phone 0800 65 99 88, option 2.
  • I agree to report any loss of the device as a result of burglary to the Police within 7 days and provide Te Kura with a copy of the police report. Te Kura will not replace lost or stolen devices without a copy of the police report.
  • I agree to report any damage or loss for any reason to Te Kura within 24 hours and to provide full details of the circumstances. All damaged devices must be returned to Te Kura to enable the re-issue of another device.
  • I agree to notify Te Kura immediately if the ākonga is no longer enrolled full-time, is ineligible to remain enrolled with Te Kura, or has had their full-time enrolment withdrawn for any reason. I acknowledge that the device shall be returned and any connectivity subsidy will stop at such time.
  • I understand that the device may be installed with location tracking and remote support software for the purpose of loss prevention and providing remote support. Any personal information collected by Te Kura and/or its suppliers for this purpose will be managed in accordance with The Privacy Act 2020.

You may be eligible to participate in one of the 20/20 Trust’s digital literacy programmes. Families without an internet connection and with children up to the age of 18 may be able to get Spark Jump pre-pay broadband.

Families can register their interest in being part of a 20/20 programme by sending an email with their name and contact details to or by calling her on 0800 272 020 between 9am and 3pm on weekdays. Participants may be required to attend a half-day internet training session.

Learn more about Spark Jump pre-pay broadband.

Laptop and internet assistance are only available while you’re enrolled at Te Kura. When you withdraw from the roll, we will arrange for the laptop to be returned and payments for internet access will be stopped.