
Every full-time ākonga is assigned a kaimanaaki and, if working at NCEA levels, they will also be assigned subject kaiako (teachers). Kaimanaaki are the 'go to' support person.

Kaimanaaki are there every step of the way, helping ākonga to refine their personalised learning plans. Kaimanaaki work with ākonga to help build agency and and a resilient approach to learning. There are many elements that combine to make up the learning journey of each individual ākonga.

The partnership with kaimanaaki is integral to a learning environment based on individual goals, interest explorations, subject choice and a rigorous pathway for future career or study opportunities. The process of developing a personalised learning plan is supported by My Korowai. My Korowai is an online platform which guides ākonga to share, develop and reflect on their learning, interests, and goals within My Te Kura.

We encourage whānau/supervisors to communicate with kaimanaaki and kaiako to help build the essential relationships that underpin learning.