Policy documents are how Te Kura supports and enables kaimahi, ākonga and whānau to feel safe and achieve success in their roles, responsibilities, and goals. All policy documents comply with relevant legislation and are written in plain language so everyone can understand what is expected of them.
The Policy Framework has four tiers. It is arranged by the number of people that group of documents applies to. The top tier will apply to the largest group of people e.g. organisations and systems, and the lowest the smallest group e.g. managers recruiting kaimahi, kaimahi using finance software.
Below are links to some of our policy documents. If you would like to see a specific policy not listed below, or have any questions, email officeCE@tekura.school.nz.
Privacy Statements
Ākonga and Whānau Privacy Statement
Governance Policies
These set the outcomes the Board want to achieve.
Equal Employment Opportunities
Responsibilities of Chief Executive
Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees
- Appointments
- Asset Management and Protection
- Child Protection
- Conflicts of Interest
- Curriculum Delivery
- Digital Citizenship Policy
- Feedback and Complaints
- Financial Planning and Conditions
- Fraud Prevention and Detection
- Health and Safety
- Intellectual Property, Copyright and Other Related Rights
- People and Wellbeing
- Privacy
- Responding to Ākonga Distress and Use of Physical Restraint
Ngā Hātepe Kaimahi (Staff Procedures)
These align with the relevant Governance Policy and set out how SLT expect the Governance Policies will be implemented operationally.
- Access to Te Kura Premises
- Child Protection
- Child Safety Checks
- Education Outside the Classroom (Revised version in progress, old linked above)
- Fraud Reporting and Investigation
- Gifts Given and Received
- Huinga Ako
- Information and Records Management
- Koha Given and Received
- Research
- Responding to ākonga distress without restraint (Ministry of Education)
- Premises and Facilities
- Procurement
- Protected Disclosures
- Responsible Use of ICT
- Use of Social Media